8 Ways to Protect Your Pets from Disease

One of the best ways you can protect your pet from disease is with vaccines. Some diseases you can help prevent include:

  •  Bordetella
  • ‌ Distemper
  • ‌ Heartworms
  • ‌ Intestinal worms
  • ‌ Leptospirosis
  • ‌ Lyme disease
  • ‌ Parvovirus
  •  Rabies

Some vaccines are required depending on where you live. Your vet may recommend others based on your pet and their risk to various diseases. To provide the best protection, follow the vaccination schedule for your pet. Some vaccines may require boosters every few years.

Fleas and ticks are common issues for cats and dogs, especially ones that spend time outside. These parasites are irritating and can carry disease. Ticks can spread:

  •  Anaplasmosis
  • ‌ Bartonella
  • ‌ Lyme disease
  • ‌ Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Providing your pet with a flea and tick preventative can help keep these parasites at bay. There are flea and tick collars, topical medications, and oral medications. You can ask for a heartworm preventative. ‌

When it comes to preventative medications, there are several over-the-counter and prescription options. Speak with your vet to determine the best ones for your pet.

If your pet spends any amount of time outside, it’s always a good idea to check them over for fleas and ticks — even if you’re using preventative medicines. Be sure to check indoor pets regularly if they live with another animal that goes outside. If you do find a tick, remove it as soon as possible to lower the risk of your pet getting sick or developing an infection. If you’re having trouble removing the tick yourself, call your vet to schedule an appointment.

While pets often show signs of illness, some symptoms aren’t always noticeable right away. Annual (or twice yearly) wellness exams by a professional vet can help uncover issues, including diseases, that you might not know your pet has.

During routine exams, your vet will check over your pet from head to tail. As they listen, look, and feel around, they’ll check for signs of potential problems. They’ll run different tests, including bloodwork and a fecal exam. These tests can uncover certain issues, such as parasites and diseases. If your vet finds something wrong, they’ll recommend a course of treatment, which might include procedures or medications.

Your pet can get many diseases that will cause various symptoms. For instance, symptoms of parvovirus (a disease affecting the small intestines) can include lethargy, loss of appetite, and bloody diarrhea.

Symptoms of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever include coughing, difficulty breathing, and facial swelling. While some symptoms may be nothing serious, schedule an appointment as soon as possible if you notice something wrong with your pet. The earlier you visit your vet, the easier many diseases will be to treat.

Wild animals like raccoons, opossums, and others can carry diseases that may spread to your pet if they are bitten or scratched. You can keep your pets safe by making sure they are away from wildlife. If your pets go outdoors, walk them on a leash or keep them in a fenced yard.

Take measures to avoid wild animals, too. Don’t leave food or water outside. Keep outdoor trash cans covered tightly or store them in the garage until trash day. Again, make sure vaccinations are up-to-date. Call animal control if you find wild animals living under your porch or where they shouldn’t be on your property.

A healthy diet is important for your pets. Some pets, however, are curious and may tip over the trash can to see what’s inside. When they do, they might decide to ingest spoiled food, which could have bacteria or parasites on it. You should avoid letting your pets share a community water bowl, such as one at the park.

Since many diseases can pass from animals to humans, taking care of yourself is important, too. To avoid catching anything, always wash your hands thoroughly after petting, handling pet food and treats, and cleaning up after them. If your pet isn’t sick, maintain good practice anyway by washing your hands.